29th March 2012

A thought that struck me this morning…
Some things we think are important, and some things are actually important.
Christ is important.
Family is important.
Friends are important.
Do not miss opportunities to choose rightly.

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17th March 2012
My poor blog didn’t even remember me when I tried to log-in… that’s a bad sign isn’t it?
Well, I’m going to try to resurrect things here. A few sweet friends have inspired me, and there are so many sweet/funny/delicious/memorable things I could be sharing… as much for our looking-back pleasure as for others to enjoy. So here goes…
I’ll start with notable recipes, because there have a been a few lately.
- This Rueben Braid was AMAZING. My apologies to everyone who’s heard me rave about it in person, on Twitter or on Facebook. But I cannot believe how easy it was, how impressive it looked, and how everyone in the family ate it. Surely I’ll be making it often. (notes: I filled mine with turkey & swiss and a little Thousand Island dressing. Don’t skimp on the cheese. Roll it out directly on your parchment or heavily flour your mat. Otherwise, you’ll have a hard time transferring it. And it won’t rise much, but it will rise in the oven.)
- I made these sweet Chocolate Strawberry Donuts for Valentine’s Day. Delicious. This morning I used the same recipe with a French Vanilla Cake mix & mini chips (this morning’s treat) with a chocolate glaze… so yummy. When you need a chocolate donut, though, this recipe cannot be beat. I think the coffee makes the flavor stand out more. YUM. If you don’t have a donut pan and you like breakfast treats, it’s so worth having. And I was over-the-moon excited to find a cute heart-shaped donut pan at Target for $5. WOOHOO!
- Thin Mints… you might have seen on Facebook that January/February was super busy with Girl Scout cookies. My sweet little Brownie sold 203 boxes initially (which “won” her a fleece roll-up blanket thingy – wooho! and yes, a tiny bit of sarcasm there…), and in the continued orders/booth sales, she boosted her total to 324 boxes. Whew! That is ALOT of boxes of cookies to deliver, to say nothing of the money-tracking for Mom. Oddly enough, I didn’t end up with quite as many boxes for myself as I did last year. And I’m down to only 2 boxes of Thin Mints already. Sadness. But this week, I used two boxes in recipes that were really worthy of those precious cookies. I made these melt-in-your-mouth Thin Mint Truffles as a little Spring Break treat for the teachers. I made them last year for a MOPS mom who had just had a baby, and she loved them so much, she could hardly wait for Girl Scout cookie season to arrive so she could make them (note… I think, as a last resort, you could probably use Keebler Grasshopper cookies. But that wouldn’t be quite as special). I also made these Thin Mint Ice Cream Cups (from the same awesome blog!) for our weekly Life Group. They were, of course, well-received.
- I just wondered about the delicious Girl Scout Samoas cookies and how they’d work in a truffle… Lo and behold, the same amazing blogger made them here. I’ll have to try them soon!
That’s enough for now… I promise I’ll be back with more little news and recipes soon.
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