A field trip to Krispy Kreme
30th March 2009
(Once again, I cannot figure out how to center photos in the post. Arg.)
A couple Fridays ago, I noticed on Katy’s Facebook page that she was thinking of taking her boys, Eli and Walker on a field trip to Krispy Kreme. Of course, Josiah and I needed to meet them for the fun, only because KK is ust 5 minutes from our house. Nothing to do with the fact that there would be donuts involved, and I had a coupon for free coffee, but purely for the educational benefit of seeing how donuts are made 🙂

Mesmerized by the process... or more likely, the rows and rows of donuts going under the waterfall of glaze.

Donuts with sprinkles, free coffee for moms, and complimentary hats complete the fun.

Eli obliging me for a photo before he digs in.

Walker was pleased with the chocolate and sprinkles.

My happy little guy. Believe me, the hat didn't stay on more than a few seconds after the photo.
Donut making is a complicated process, you know. I’m sure we’ll do this highly educational field trip often!
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