Family Alive

Brian, Kristine, Analise, and Josiah Toone

Crazy Friday

28th July 2006

A couple funny moments from today. It seems Analise is bored with being at home. While we were getting dressed, she said, “going to church?”. No, I said. “Going to school?” No, sorry, sweetheart. “Going to Boppa and Bwacka’s?” I don’t think so, not today. “Going to Moe’s?” Haha… this is the testament to life in the Toone house. Obviously, Analise has learned that Moe’s Southwestern Grill is a weekly event bc kids eat free on Mondays (and I can share her meal of a decent sized burrito, chips, cookie and drink, so we eat for less than $8 – can’t beat that!).

She’s also learned Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star – the entire song (minus one line which she combines with another). It includes probably her longest sentence yet – “how I won-er wha you r”. We’ve caught it on video, so I’ll have Brian upload it this weekend. Aunt Anna can validate, though, as Analise sang it to “Nana” and “Hunkle Hal” on the phone tonight:)

Josiah’s smiling! It’s so sweet. I caught a few of them on camera today, and I’m too tired to post pictures, so that’ll have to come tomorrow, too. But it’s funny bc he’s gotten chubbier, and the pictures of him smiling in his swing make him look like he has at least 3 chins. He’s such a cutie pie!

After I related my fun day to Brian, he insisted I share it with the blog audience:) Lucky you. To start off with, we were expecting people from The Foundry Mission thrift store to come pick up some things we wanted to donate. They were supposed to come between 10 and 4. I got caught up doing things this morning while Brian was watching Analise and Josiah was cat-napping, and I missed my window of opportunity to shower. So i was looking pretty grungy. Brian left at about noon for meetings. So at about 3:15, the Foundry people hadn’t come yet, and I was expecting the doorbell at any time. I’d left Analise’s diaper off bc she has a really bad diaper rash. She was playing, and i was nursing Josiah. All of a sudden, she stood up and said, “Oh, mommy, dirty…” pointing to her foot. Yes, she had pooped and stepped in it. ARG! So I pulled poor Josiah away from the food source and ran to pick Analise up before she stepped anywhere else, leaving myself a bit exposed in the process. Josiah, who’d been nearly asleep, grumbled in the swing, while I cleaned Analise up in the bathroom. Then she wanted to sit on her potty chair for a while, which wasn’t really what I wanted her to do, but I guess when you’re trying to encourage potty training, you don’t say no to that request. So we spent a few minutes in the bathroom while she read on the potty, Josiah grumbled in the swing, and I rushed around – exposed – tryin to get the floor cleaned up before she came back out to play. Finally, got the spots Oxy-cleaned and got Analise back in a diaper and clothes without the doorbell ringing in the middle of the chaos, and I could rescue poor Josiah and let him finish his meal. Man… fun times. Want to come hang out with us?:)

Ok, it’s Friday night, and everyone’s in bed, so I’d better make the most of my quiet evening. Brian’s a bit under the weather, so I’m going to try to get some things cleaned up and accomplished before I head to bed, crossing my fingers and pray that Josiah’s sleepy enough to last 5 hours before wanting to eat again. Cheers… have a good weekend!

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