Family Alive

Brian, Kristine, Analise, and Josiah Toone

Nearly a New Haircut

11th September 2008

I very nearly got a new haricut this morning, thanks to Thomas the Train.  I was changing J’s diaper and getting him dressed.  Sometimes he likes to hold a car or a train while we get him dressed, and sometimes he pretends to run the car over you.  “Vroom… da car go over da head!”  Very cute.  This morning he was holding battery-operated Thomas, who was whirring away.  He was laying on the ground, and said, “Thomas go on your head!”, holding Thomas out towards me.

“No”, I said sharply, “Thomas can’t go on anyone’s head, because his wheels could get caught in their hair.  No, Josiah.”

I stood him up to finish getting him dressed, and he wrapped his arms around my neck… with Thomas still whirring away in his hand… and the wheels spun themselves right into the hair behind my ear!

I’d like to say I handled it calmly, but I didn’t.  I freaked out, and it’s a good thing Brian was here.  I screamed for him, and he came running up, thinking something terrible had just happened (which it had, in my mind).  I’d gotten Thomas turned off, and it was hanging from my hair.

“Do you want me to get the scissors?” Brian asked, as I was sobbing.  “NO!” I cried!  It would have been a serious chunk out of my hair.  Brian wasn’t sure what to do, but then he said, “I’ll put Thomas in reverse.”

Whatever, I thought.  Thomas doesn’t go in reverse, and I wasn’t pleased with his joking at a time like this.  I kept sobbing like someone had died.

But Brian was serious, and he wound Thomas’ wheels in reverse and my hair pulled right out, without a single piece damaged.  Amazing.  Brian is my hero.  And we’ve all learned a valuable lesson that battery-operated Thomas’ and hair don’t mix.  And I’d be happy if all Thomas’ stayed away from my head, just to be safe!

5 Responses to “Nearly a New Haircut”

  1. gilda Says:

    How did Josiah react? Was he heartbroken or scared that you were mortified (and crying) about Thomas in your hair. I would like to think this helps him understand the “No Thomas over the head” rule… but then again, Elizabeth probably would have laughed and done it again (at least after I stopped crying). Sigh.

  2. ktoone Says:

    Surprisingly, they were both just wide-eyed and watching. I don’t think they’ve seen me freak out like that before. Analise normally unravels into tears when something crisis happens, but she was just standing back watching. I think he learned his lesson. And the batteries are all wearing down. I might not replace them for a while, though Josiah’s taken to going to the drawer where the screwdriver is and getting it out to try to get the battery out himself. “It not working vewy well. I change battewies.” He’s such a handy little man.

  3. Dena Says:

    I’ve had many things get caught in my hair, the worst being in high school when i was crouched down at my locker and stood up and my hair got caught on the zipper/button of the jeans of the boy whose locker was next to mine…..mortifying! At least you didn’t lose any hair and only lost your cool in front of your family (although you shared it w/ the world 🙂

  4. Lyndsey Says:

    Obviously it was not funny at the time but I just got a good laugh from your story. Good thing for calm, level headed husbands! 🙂

  5. Sandy Says:

    I really got a big laugh over your story.
    Dena’s story was quite funny too.

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